Never The Same Day Twice

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

.................................Tuesday 5/16/06

Pouring Rain. Again

It has been raining for over a week now. We had peeks of sun (so wonderful to see!) on Saturday, but the temps have stayed below 60 and the cloud cover has been relentless at best.
Today I woke up to hear teeming rain on the roof---which is wonderfully cozy, for the most part, but after so many days of this, it has become a bother. There are so many things we need to do (and want to do) outdoors---like just playing outside with the little man---and we have had to forgo that for so long. But then I guess that it will be wonderful when we do finally get out there.

My horoscope this morning was written for me:

On Neutral Ground Virgo Daily Horoscope
You may feel defiant today and hold fast to your convictions. You may struggle to convince others of the validity of your beliefs, or you may feel that others are trying to force you to their way of thinking. It may be helpful to adopt a neutral mind-set in all of your interactions with others and focus on releasing the temptation to engage in conflict.

Rather than trying to convince others about your beliefs today, try letting go of the need to assert your will and allow the situation to be what it is. Likewise, if you feel that others are trying to influence you, simply step back from the situation and refuse to be pulled into conflict.

While mastering this type of mind-set can be challenging, it can also be rewarding because it will give you a greater sense of control over your moods. Choosing to foster a mind-set of neutral detachment allows us to remain relaxed and calm. While it can be tempting to engage in a battle of wills with those who have differing opinions and beliefs, we can choose to see such conflicts as counterproductive.

If we can instead learn to detach from a struggle and focus on staying centered and calm, we can navigate tense situations without becoming overwhelmed by them. We are then able to find neutral ground and interact with others in more productive ways. By detaching from your emotional responses and avoiding conflict today, you can turn every interaction into a beneficial one.


This is a very apropos horoscope as tonight I am having dinner with DH, with the sole purpose of ironing out some of the details of the coming legal enterprises. He wants to 'do-it-yourself' which may be a mistake, but I'm not sure for whom, him or me. We started to talk about things last night (we have no self control) and there were the inevitable conflicts and he used the phrase "raked over the coals" again, which I really really hate.

Why can't we be civil? I mean, we are civil, but more than some people might be in this situation. I read a book over the weekend that mentioned something called "negative intimacy" and I think that it's what we are mired in----we respond in the same ways, he pushes buttons, all to keep the negative intimacy going. Maybe it is an unconscious effort to hang on to each other, even if it is in this awful way...

I have to HAVE TO behave tonight. I have to read over the horoscope and commit to it. I have to believe that all will be well. It's amazing how terribly hard it is for me to do this. Even when I go in with that intention, I fail.

It is 9:45 a.m. I am still in my pajamas. My hair is a MESS. The little man is in his PJs too.. and is walking around in my shoes. The dog is on the screen porch. I let him out, poor guy, in the storm to do his business and I could see him out there running around the fruit trees, getting soaked but apparently enjoying himself. So I'm letting him relax and dry himself out on the porch.

I need to get some things on paper for tonight's discussion. So I have things to do. Many things to ponder...


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